Cavendish Conference Centre
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
The Future Role of the QS in a Green Environment
Come and join us for a Conference and Networking event which will focus on key industry issues for all involved in Quantity Surveying.
We will also be able to browse a number sponsor stands during the course of the day.
Session 1
Government Expenditure Plans
Speaker: Stuart Ladd
- What are the government’s spending plans over the next 4.5 years on construction work?
- Government plans to spend £200bn on capital projects
- Expenditure on rail, nuclear power, alternative energy, housing, schools and hospitals
Session 2
Role of the Employer’s Agent
Speaker: Steve Newcombe, Mott MacDonald
- What functions does an Employer’s Agent perform? Is the role limited to design and construct procurement?
- Does a QS have to learn new skills to undertake the role eg quality of workmanship, assessing delays for EOT and taking a brief to produce employers requirements etc?
- Is the role likely to be as good as Project Manager which has been monopolised by QSs?
- Is the QS again going to steal a march on Architects?
- How lucrative are the fees?
- QSi Best Practice Certificate
Session 3
The Future of QS Software
Speaker: Paul Watkins, Masterbuild
- Software following changes in procurement methods
- E tendering
- E bidding
Session 4
Future Procurement
Speaker: Roger Knowles, QSi
Is Design and Construct likely to continue growing at the expense of traditional methods?
Is Best Value likely to be overtaken by Best Affordable Value?
Is the assessment of quality/price tender assessment likely to move in favour of price?
Are the snags in Target Cost Contracts coming home to roost?
Will there be a big swing back to lowest price bidding?
Will early contractor involvement take off?
How long will the “Herd Instinct” relating to the use of the NEC last?
Session 5
The Cost of BREEAM
Speaker: Andrew Knapp, BREEAM
- Areas of possible involvement
- Breeam (BRE Environmental Assessment Method ) assessment
- Energy assessments
- Energy audits
- Energy surveys
- Renewable energy option studies
- Sustainability checklist; sustainable homes certificate
- Is this role likely to be as successful as CDM Co-ordinator?
Session 6
Future Insurance Risks
Speaker: Phil Davies, Howdens
- Since the recession commenced have claims been on the increase?
- How has this affected PI premiums?
- Are the risks greater for acting as Employer’s Agent or Environmental Consultant?
- Will it affect premiums?
- Insurance backing for QSi Best Practice Certificate
Session 7
Carbon Reduction Costing
Speaker: James Fiske, Franklin & Andrews
- CapIT ;Mott McDonnald/ICE world first online construction cost and carbon tool
- Building and Civil Engineering
- Up to date cost and carbon information
- Allows quick and accurate estimating
Conference Fee:
£150.00 Members; £175.00 Non Members
£125 Members; £150 Non Members