Certificate of Lawful Use or Development

Andrew WilliamsNews

A lawful development certificate (LDC) is a statutory document confirming that the use, operation or activity named in it a lawful for planning control purposes.

Once granted, the certificate will remian valid for the use or development described in it, on the land it describes.

You must apply to the local planning authority (LPA) for such a certificate. If the LPA refuse the application (or do not give a decision within the time period – usually 8 weeks) you can appeal.

What are the benefits of a Certificate of Lawful Development?

There are benefits in gaining a Certificate of Lawful Use or Development. It is a determination that has legal status providing certainty to prospective developers and purchasers of land and buildings. Certificates of Lawful Use or Development will be particularly beneficial to those participating in the housing market. Solicitors representing purchasers of, for example, extended dwellings, will usually require documentary evidence that extensions such as conservatories are lawful. This evidence may assist with the sale of property. Certificates of Lawful Use or Development also provide the necessary evidence that any works being undertaken are lawful if, for example, a neighbour were to make an enquiry or complaint about the work.